Match the Scenario with the correct Answer
Answer: ER Allred Score: X9 Not documented in medical record/ER (Estrogen Receptor) Total Allred Score not assessed, or unknown if assessed
- ER Positive 85% Intensity Score 3
- ER Positive 85% Intensity Score 2/3
- ER Positive 85% Intensity Score 2-3
Scenario C matches the Answer ER Allred Score X9, see discussion below:
SSDI manual contains instructions to calculate Allred Score
- Proportion + Intensity=Allred [See table below.]

Scenario A: ER Positive 85% Intensity 3+
- Proportion Score of 85% Equates to a 5
- Intensity Score =3
- Allred Score= 8 [Proportion Score of 5 + Intensity Score of 3]
Scenario B: ER Positive 85% Intensity 2/3
- Proportion Score of 85% Equates to a 5
- Intensity Score = 2 out of 3, so a 2
- Allred Score= 7 [Proportion Score of 5 + Intensity Score of 2]
Scenario C: ER Positive 85% Intensity 2-3
- Proportion Score of 85% Equates to a 5
- Intensity Score listed as a range 2-3, thus you cannot use this to assign a Score
- Allred Score= X9 [Allred score cannot be assigned because Intensity Score is unknown]
CAnswer Forum Post If the intensity score is documented as 2-3, or 1-2, you cannot use this to assign the Allred Score. Your Allred Score would be unknown (code 9).