Be sure you are entering the Comments or Addendums from the path report in path text. If the path final diagnosis states SEE COMMENT, see that comment & document it into your text, it’s likely full of important information. See example below, the comment held the key to the whole case.

Don’t forget to review Omega’s Cancer Registry Text Documentation for tips on how to document text. To View the document please click here.

More Text Resources:
- Abbreviations: Use NACCR Recommended Abbreviations for Abstractors (Appendix G)
- NCRA Informational Abstracts (These site-specific abstracts provide an outline to follow when determining what text to include.)
- AJCC Cancer Staging Manual-Registry Data Collection Variables (Each Chapter in the AJCC has a list of Registry Data Collection Variables which should be documented in text if available.)
- Site-Specific Data Item (SSDI) Manual
- College of American Pathology Cancer Protocol Templates