03-17-2023 APPENDIX R: CTR Guide to Coding Radiation Therapy Treatment in the STORE
- pT1c cN0 cM0 Stage 1A Breast Cancer Treated with Lumpectomy + Radiation +Hormone.
- The Radiation Treatment plan is below. Start Date 02/12/2023 End Date 03/03/2023

Question: How will you code Phase 1 External Beam Radiation Planning Technique?
- 01 External beam, nos
- 04 Conformal or 3-D conformal therapy
- 98 Other, NOS
Answer: 04 Conformal or 3-D conformal therapy
Rationale: The treatment plan includes the term FiF- see references below to determine how to code.
- STORE 2023Posted 02/28/2023 APPENDIX R: CTR Guide to Coding Radiation Therapy Treatment in the STORE https://www.facs.org/quality-programs/cancer-programs/national-cancer-database/ncdb-call-for-data/
- Refer to Radiation Therapy Useful Abbreviations
- FiF =Field-in-Field Technique (3D)
- Refer to Radiation Therapy Useful Abbreviations