02-28-2025 Clarification-We still collect radiation!
During the last Tumor Talk, people saw the list of retired fields & got excited thinking we do not collect radiation anymore… THIS IS NOT TRUE!!!
The fields that were retired were the old fields collected prior to the new Phase Specific fields introduced in 2018.
- NAACCR#1540 Rad–Treatment Volume- replaced with new fields.
- NACCR#1510 Rad–Regional Dose cGy- replaced with new fields.
- NAACCR#1520 Rad–No of Treatment Vol- replaced with new fields.
We DO COLLECT RADIATION DATA… A LOT of radiation data!
- Phase I-II-III Radiation Primary Treatment Volume NAACCR#1504,1514,1524
- Phase I-II-III Radiation to Draining Lymph Nodes NAACCR#1505,1515,1525
- Phase I-II-III Radiation Treatment Modality NAACCR #1506,1516,1626
- Phase I-II-III External Beam Radiation Planning Technique NAACCR#1502,1512,1522
- Phase I-II-III Dose per Fraction NAACCR#1501,1511,1521
- Phase I-II-III Number of Fractions NAACCR#1503,1513,1523
- Phase I-II-III Total Dose NAACCR#1507,1517,1527
- Date Radiation Started NAACCR#1210
- Date Radiation Ended NAACCR#3220
- Location of Radiation Treatment NAACR#1550
- Number of Phases of Radiation Treatment NAACCR#1532
- Radiation Treatment Discontinued Early NAACCR#1531
- Radiation Course Total Dose NAACCR #1533
- Radiation/Surgery Sequence NAACCR#1380
- Reason for No Radiation NAACCR#1430
Refer to the STORE Manual for instructions on how to code these field.
Also review APPENDIX R: CTR Guide to Coding Radiation Therapy Treatment in the STORE
- 29 Case Scenarios
- Summary of Coding Principles
- Coding Modality for the Heavy Equipment of Modern Radiation Therapy
- Radiation Therapy Useful Abbreviations
- Summary of Radiation Coding Rules