Tumor Tip of the Week - 02-07-2025 Part of the Pancreas - Omega Healthcare

Tumor Tip of the Week – 02-07-2025 Part of the Pancreas

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02-07-2025 Part of the Pancreas

Match the Description to the Code

  1. Body & Tail of the Pancreas
  2. Endocrine Pancreas
  3. Junction Neck & Body of the Pancreas
  4. Neck of Pancreas
  5. Pancreatic Duct
  6. Uncinate Process of The Pancreas


Description Code
1.       Body & Tail of the Pancreas C258 Overlapping lesion of pancreas
2.       Endocrine Pancreas C254 Islet of Langerhans; islands of Langerhans; endocrine pancreas
3.       Junction Neck & Body of the Pancreas C258 Overlapping lesion of pancreas
4.       Neck of Pancreas C257 Other specified parts of pancreas; neck of pancreas
5.       Pancreatic Duct C253 Pancreatic duct; duct of Santorini; duct of Wirsung
6.       Uncinate Process of The Pancreas C250 Head of the pancreas

Refer to SEER Appendix C Coding Guidelines for Pancreas for more tips on coding primary site.  https://seer.cancer.gov/tools/codingmanuals/

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