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Tumor Tip of the Week-02-23-2024 [Cholangiocarcinoma Tip of the week-revised] see new instructions-Solid Tumor Rules-Other -Table 9a
Scenario: 1-2023 Bx Liver+ Adenocarcinoma Oncologist/GI Multidisciplinary Conference Stage IV (cT2N1M1) intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with pulmonary metastases, regional lymphadenopathy, and multifocal hepatic involvement Question: How should

Tumor Tip of the Week: 02-16-2024 SEER Retires Tumor Size Clinical and Tumor Size Path in 2024
Scenario: 01-01-2024 Mammogram: 1.5cm RUOQ Mass BI-RADS Cat IV 1-15-2024 Needle Bx+ Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma Question: How will you code Tumor Size Clinical? 015 YOU

Tumor Tip of the Week-02-09-2024 Revised for 2024 No Treatment vs Surveillance-Different Fields Have Different Rules
02-09-2024 Revised for 2024 No Treatment vs Surveillance-Different Fields Have Different Rules There was a little change in coding instructions for Date Therapy Initiated (SEER

Tumor tip of the Week: 02-02-2024 Melanoma SSDI Clinical Margin Width
Scenario: 2024 Operative Text: 01/30/2024 Outside facility Dr Brooke: Right inguinal sentinel lymph node biopsy x5, Wide local excision of posterior right calf melanoma- The

Tumor Tip of the Week 01-26-2024 CYA-Cover Your Abstracting
You should be able to abstract a case from the text you have documented. Be sure to follow your specific facility guidelines and/or State requirements

Tumor Tip of the Week 01-19-2024 Whipple
Scenario: 1-19-2024 diagnosed with Pancreas Adenocarcinoma treated with a Pyloric-preserving Whipple operation with pancreaticoduodenectomy Question: How would you code the Primary Surgery Code? B350 Local