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Tumor Tip of the Week 05-31-2024 Most Specific vs Distinctly Different
Scenario: 2024 Endometrium, curettage: Endometrioid adenocarcinoma, FIGO GR 1 w/ squamous differentiation. TAH/BSO SLN Dissection: Endometrium – Endometrioid adenocarcinoma (FIGO GR 1), confined to the

Tumor Tip of the Week 5-24-204 Ambiguous Terms on Cytology-Later Confirmed=Date of Diagnosis
Scenario: 5-12-2024 Pleural fluid cytology-Staining pattern is consistent with metastatic carcinoma, most likely of breast origin. 5-15-2024 Oncologist stated the patient had pleural fluid cytology

Tumor Tip of the Week-05-17-2024 Keratinizing Squamous Cell Carcinoma HPV+
Scenario: 2023 Palatine Tonsil (C09.9) biopsy: Keratinizing Squamous Cell Carcinoma, HPV+ Question: What is the Histology? 8071 Keratinizing Squamous Cell Carcinoma 8085 Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Tumor Tip of the Week 05-10-2024 Afirma Test
Scenario: 5-1-2024 FNA Left lobe Thyroid: Follicular Lesion of Undetermined Significance (FLUS); see note: NOTE: Afirma molecular testing was performed on the specimen and was

Tumor Tip of the Week-04-12-2024 LAMN Histology and Behavior
04-12-2024 LAMN Histology and Behavior Match the Scenario with the correct Answer: Answer: Histology/Behavior Code: 8480/3 2021 Appendectomy: LAMN diffusely involving the appendix and perforating

Tumor Tip of the week – 4-12-2024 Multifocal Not the Same as Multiple Synchronous
Scenario: 2024 DRE: Multiple areas of nodularity bilateral lobes of the Prostate, No Inguinal Adenopathy, PSA 4.5, Adenocarcinoma Gleason 3+3 in 6/12 cores MRI: 2