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Tumor Tip of the Week-Lymphovascular Invasion and Neoadjuvant Therapy
Scenario: 2022 Question: How would you code Lymphovascular invasion? Answer: 9 Rationale: STORE 2022 f. For cases treated with neoadjuvant therapy, refer to table below

Tumor Tip of the Week-Kidney Single Tumor with 2 or variants of that NOS
Scenario: 2022 diagnosis is a single tumor with renal cell carcinoma (RCC) 8312, papillary renal cell carcinoma 8260, and mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma

Tumor Tip of the Week-Pericolonic/Pericolorectal tissue Invaded-Reg or Local
#1 Scenario: 2022 pT3 pN0 cM0 Stage IIA Transverse Colon with Extension through the wall into pericolic tissue, 16 nodes (-), no mets on CT.

Tumor Tip of the Week-Multiple Papillary and Multiple Follicular Ca of the Thyroid-Single or Multiple Primary?
Question: If you had multiple papillary tumors such as a micropapillary 8260/3 and a papillary tall cell 8344/3 would we apply rule M6 (single primary)

Tumor Tip of the week: Cirrhosis-Fibrosis Score
Scenario: 2022 patient presents to facility and biopsy of liver shows hepatocellular carcinoma scans reveal changes of hepatic cirrhosis, no further workup done, patient expires.

Tumor Tip of the Week- Holmium Laser Enucleation of Prostate (HoLEP) surgery code
Scenario: 2022 This patient came to our facility with a history of LUTS/BPH. The patient was evaluated during a clinical consultation and had elected to