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Tumor Tip of the Week-CRM-No Residual
Scenario: 2022 Question: How would you code the SSDI Circumferential Resection Margin (CRM)? Answer: XX.1

Tumor Tip of the Week-A few non-sentinel nodes happen to be sampled
Scenario: 2022 Data Field Value Rationale Scope of Regional Lymph Node Surgery 2 STORE 2022 When a SLNBx is performed, additional non-sentinel nodes can be

Tumor Tip of the Week-Date Of First Contact
Scenario: Question: What would be the date of first contact for your facility? Answer: 05-01-2022 Discussion: Patient diagnosed elsewhere, came to your facility 04-01-2022 for

Tumor Tip of the Week-Colonoscopy cTX
Scenario: 2022 Question: How would you assign cT? Answer: cTX The colonoscopy does not provide enough information to access how far the tumor extended, please

Tumor Tip of the Week-Reportable or Not
Scenario 1: 2022 [SEER Facility] 09-02-2022 CT Chest: 2.5cm RUL mass characteristic of malignancy No other info available Question: Is this reportable? Answer: Yes SEER

Tumor Tip of the Week- Corpus Uteri SSDI’s when no nodes removed-new Instructions v2.1
READ THE NOTES IN THE SSDI MANUAL, NOT JUST THE DROP DOWNS!!! New instructions in Version 2.1 (For use with cases diagnosed 2018 forward after