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Tumor Tip of the Week-04-28-2023 Inaccessible Lymph Nodes
04-28-2023 Inaccessible Lymph Nodes Scenario 2023: Question: This is a site with inaccessible lymph nodes, how will you assign EOD Regional Nodes without a
Tumor Tip of the Week-04-21-2023 Ki-67 NET
04-21-2023 Ki-67 NET Scenario 2023: Question: How will you assign the SSDI Ki-67 Answer: XXX.4 Ki-67 stated as less than 3% Rationale: **NOTE THESE
Tumor Tip of the Week-04-14-2023 Recording Referrals to Med Onc/Rad Onc
04-14-2023 Recording Referrals to Med Onc/Rad Onc Scenario #1 2023: • My Facility diagnosed Breast Cancer Patient treated with Lumpectomy at my facility pT1a
Tumor Tip of the Week 04-07-2023 Meningioma
Scenario #1: *Software updated to v23 Various Fields to consider: Field Answer Rationale Primary Site C700 Solid Tumor Rules Non-malignant CNS Table 3: Reportability of
Tumor Tip-03-31-23 Tumor Size-When Reported as a Between or Range
03-31-2023 Tumor Size-When Reported as a “Between” or “Range” Scenario #1: 2023-Tumor size reported as a Range + Neoadjuvant Therapy Question: How would you code
Tumor Tip 03-24-23 Sarcoma Grade-To Calculate or Not to Calculate
03-24-2023 Sarcoma Grade-To Calculate or Not to Calculate Scenario #1: 2023 Question: How would you assign Grade Clinical? Answer & Rationale: 9 Grade cannot