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Tumor Tip of the Week- Corpus Uteri SSDI’s when no nodes removed-new Instructions v2.1
READ THE NOTES IN THE SSDI MANUAL, NOT JUST THE DROP DOWNS!!! New instructions in Version 2.1 (For use with cases diagnosed 2018 forward after

Tumor Tip of the Week-Lymphovascular Invasion and Neoadjuvant Therapy
Scenario: 2022 Question: How would you code Lymphovascular invasion? Answer: 9 Rationale: STORE 2022 f. For cases treated with neoadjuvant therapy, refer to table below

Tumor Tip of the Week-Kidney Single Tumor with 2 or variants of that NOS
Scenario: 2022 diagnosis is a single tumor with renal cell carcinoma (RCC) 8312, papillary renal cell carcinoma 8260, and mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma

Tumor Tip of the Week-Pericolonic/Pericolorectal tissue Invaded-Reg or Local
#1 Scenario: 2022 pT3 pN0 cM0 Stage IIA Transverse Colon with Extension through the wall into pericolic tissue, 16 nodes (-), no mets on CT.

Omega Healthcare Named “Star Performer” in RCM Operations PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2022
Omega Healthcare Named “Star Performer” in Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Operations PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2022 Marks the fifth year that Omega has been ranked as

Tumor Tip of the Week-Multiple Papillary and Multiple Follicular Ca of the Thyroid-Single or Multiple Primary?
Question: If you had multiple papillary tumors such as a micropapillary 8260/3 and a papillary tall cell 8344/3 would we apply rule M6 (single primary)