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Tumor Tip-replaces tip from 08-12-22 IORT-Electronic Brachytherapy [revised]
IORT-Electronic Brachytherapy [revised] Scenario: 2022 Procedure: Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (IORT) Preoperative diagnosis: Stage I left breast cancer Indications: The patient underwent radiation oncology consultation preoperatively and selected

Tumor Tip of the week-Prostate Radiation Volume
Prostate Primary Scenario Field (s) Code as Notes Radiation treatment directed at the prostate with or without seminal vesicles Phase I-II-III Radiation Primary Treatment Volume

Omega Healthcare Named a “Leader” in Medical Coding Operations PEAK Matrix Assessment 2023
Omega Healthcare Named a Leader inMedical Coding Operations PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2023 Adds to recent designation of a Star Performer for RCM Operations by Everest

Tumor Tip of the Week-Don’t forget the Path Comment/Addendum
Be sure you are entering the Comments or Addendums from the path report in path text. If the path final diagnosis states SEE COMMENT, see

Tumor Tip of the Week-SEER-Program-Tumor Size Pathologic (Neoadjuvant)
1. Scenario: 2022 Mammogram-2.5cm mass RUOQ Needle bx breast- .07cm core needle biopsy +Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Neoadjuvant-Chemotherapy Lumpectomy- No residual tumor Question: If you abstract

Tumor Tip of the Week-Lymphovascular Invasion-Please read the manual
This is one of the #1 miscoded fields we audit, despite there being very clear directions in the STORE. Please read the STORE Manual and