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Outsourcing expertise in HCC coding drives increase in accuracy and productivity
When one of America’s largest Blue Cross Blue Shield insurers needed to improve risk adjustment coding productivity and accuracy, they began to look for a

EM Billing and Coding Overhauled by CMS effective January 1, 2023
Dr. David Friedenson, M.D. FACEP, Chief Medical Officer, Omega Healthcare, contributed to an article in Emergency Medicine News on April 25, 2023, titled, “CMS Overhauls

Tumor Tip of the Week-04-21-2023 Ki-67 NET
04-21-2023 Ki-67 NET Scenario 2023: Question: How will you assign the SSDI Ki-67 Answer: XXX.4 Ki-67 stated as less than 3% Rationale: **NOTE THESE

Medical Coding: Reduced DNFB by $3 Million
When a critical access health system’s discharge not final billed (DNFB) dropped by $3 million, the health system leaned on Omega Healthcare Management Services for

Four Reasons to Consider Outsourcing Clinical Trial Data Management
Sustainable and scalable data management services with skilled resources are paramount to meet your clinical trial and research goals. Health systems, oncology centers, academic researchers,

Health System Outsources Coding to Gain Quality and Process Improvements
With nearly 500 primary and specialty care physicians from multiple facilities doing their own medical coding, this multi-state health system had issues with coding quality