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Tumor tip of the Week-Testis Primary Site 8-25-2023
Scenario: Presented to ER w/ testicular pain swelling. Physical Exam: Large fixed mass left testicle, No lymphadenopathy appreciated US Scrotum: 0.5cm area in the left

Tumor Tip of the Week-08-18-2023 Do not Forget the AJCC T & N Suffix
If the tumor is not staged according to the AJCC manual, leave this data item blank. Refer to the current AJCC Cancer Staging Manual for

Tumor Tip of the Week-08-11-2023 Ductal & Lobular Breast Cancer
Scenario: 2023 Patient diagnosed with single tumor Right UOQ Breast 1.9 cm DCIS & 2mm invasive lobular carcinoma Question: How would you code histology? 8520/3

Cancer Center Reduces Errors by 20%, Recoups Millions
Read this case study to learn how Omega Healthcare helped a leading cancer center improve clinical trial data management. By outsourcing the management of clinical trial

Three Trends in Clinical Trial Data Management
Multiple industry drivers – the increasing demand for clinical trials, the accelerating volume of complex data, and the shortage of skilled resources – are causing

Tumor Tip of the Week 07-21-2023 Papillary and Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma
Scenario: 2023 Diagnosis of Thyroid Cancer Histologic type: Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma, 90% Follicular & 10% Classic Question: How would you code histology? [multiple choice