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Tumor Tip of the Week-12-01-2023 pNX Blank or cN0
Scenario {Partial Snips of Synoptic Reports} AJCC Path N Category Rationale Procedure Total thyroidectomy Tumor Focality Unifocal Tumor Site Left lobe Histologic Type Papillary

Is It Time For A New Outsourcing Model In Healthcare?
As hospitals and provider organizations continue to face staff shortages and payment delays, outsourcing has become a viable option for many organizations. With outsourced models,

Tumor Tip of the Week-11-17-2023 Are you assigning yc Posttherapy Stage as often as you should be?
Scenario: Patient presented with Rectal Primary cT2 cN2a cM0 Stage 3B Grade 3 Adenocarcinoma Treatment Plan: Total neo-adjuvant therapy followed by consolidative proctocolectomy with perhaps

Tumor Tip of the Week-11-10-2023 HAMN Tidbits
Scenario 2023: Patient presented with RLQ pain. Physical exam abdomen tender to palpation, otherwise within normal limits CT Ab/Pelvis: Suspect Appendicitis. No enlarged lymph nodes.

Tumor Tip of the Week 11-03-2023 Liver SSDI-use the highest prior to Treatment
Scenario: 2023 07-13-2023 Liver, core biopsy: Hepatocellular carcinoma, grade 3. Prominent cirrhosis noted 08-16-2023 Seen by oncology & palliative care. Family decided for home hospice

Tumor Tip of the Week 10-27-2023 Melanoma-New Surgery Codes for Cases Dx 2023 and Beyond
Scenario: 2023 abstracting case for St Elsewhere Exam text: 75 YO Widowed White Female, Hispanic Presented with 2.5 cm lesion posterior right calf, no palpable